Welcome to PyReliMRI’s documentation!

Python-based Reliability in MRI (PyReliMRI) is an open-source python tool to calculate multiple group- and individual-level reliability metrics. This package is released for researchers using MRI data to easily report reliability estimates in their manuscripts in cases of multi-run and/or multi-session data are acquired.

There are a number of packages available to achieve different aspects contained in this package. Specifically, tools exist to calculate either simiarity coefficient, intraclass corelations (e.g., 3dICC in AFNI) or both (e.g., in python based nipype or matlab fmreli). However, in some cases the flexibility is limited or some features are not available. For example, ICC_rep_anova is limited to ICC(3,1) and the fmreli is not accessible without a matlab license and does not deploy the the tetrachoric correlation, pairwise comparisons across images or atlas based reliability estimates.

Our attempt here is to integrate different functions (see Figure 1) within the same package that anyone can use by downloading python and importing the package onto their machine.

Figure 1: Available Features within PyReliMRI.

Figure 1. Functions within the PyReliMRI Library


Module Documentation

Usage Examples

Citing PyReliMRI

Demidenko, M.I. & Poldrack, R.A. [TBD].

Indices and tables